Tuesday, September 1, 2009

first day of school...

How do mommy's do it? Today...a little after 8am...I sent my sweetheart off to his first day of "school" - seminary to be exact. I would have a picture up for you all, but the response to that was something close to "don't you dare". LOL But boy, are we both excited!

Yesterday was orientation for the newbies. We couldn't be more thankful/blessed/excited to be a part of such a Godly seminary!
The first thing that struck us was the huge number of international students. Bryan will be studying with folks from South Korea, Brazil, Myanmar, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Syria...and India!! Biggest surprise of the day for me was meeting one of the young men I met in India two years ago. No idea he was studying here or in the US. Talk about a small world!
We met several of the teachers and they all seem to be very humble Godly learned men with a heart to serve, not just to teach. And the bookstore...ooohhh....(shhh! students get a 50% discount. yay!)
Another neat perk was finding out that they bring in a speech teacher from Calvin College and offer free speech lessons to all their students. In the spring they also have speech sessions for whoever wants practice.
Probably the best part of the day though was meeting other like-minded young people with a heart for God and serving His people. Living as close to school as we do, it's going to be fun having people over and making friends. We're blessed to have family and friends here already; so many of the others are from other states/countries and don't have that.

Today Bryan's off to "Systematic Theology: Theology Proper" and "Greek I". See why he's excited? :-P His other two classes are taught by men from outside the US and will be week-long intensives with assignments due throughout the semester.
We have a busy - but fun - next few years ahead of us. It's not going to be easy, but we're confident this is where God wants us (for now anyways!) and He has our next steps already planned out. PTL!

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