Thursday, September 3, 2009

the old bookshelf...

Sometimes I speak before thinking. Usually it's not a good thing. But yesterday was different.

I knew Bryan was going to be late coming home from I thought I'd stop in at my favorite store in GR. Icapsa Bookstore. A used bookstore...millions and millions of book-friends...and (the best part) thrifty prices!
My excuse? Bryan needs a Greek New Testament. :P I had to wait for the computer to "think" through a search of the store so I half-jokingly asked the owner if they were hiring. Then I realized what I said.
Actually...yes. They're looking for independent book sellers to list their books online - from home. Icapsa buys crates of books from area thrift stores (World Mission, Salvation Army, etc.), sorts through them, lists them online (via people like me), then ships them all over the world.

Sound like fun? I called this morning...and got the job! Training is next week...and after that? I sell books! I can work at my own pace, do it from home, and can keep as many of the books I want for free. :)

Fun hobby + extra income = Thank you Lord!


  1. Wow!!If you see any Al Lacy's you know who to call!~Your loving little sis,[who has been peeling carrots all morning...]Emilee
